$1 for every martingale collar goes to Greyhound Rescue or Greyhound as Pets
A lil about us
Hey there! We’re Julia and Pepper, the people + paws behind Pepper Grey. We call Sydney home and Pepper Grey is our passion project!
Pepper Grey is our way of spoiling longpups (greyhounds & whippets for now) with the cutest, comfiest and most happy-making martingale collars in all the land. 💜

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Martingale Collars have a non-slip design that tightens slightly when tension is applied, as opposed to a fixed-diameter collar. They consist of a length of material with a smaller loop at one end, known as the control loop or tightening loop.
When tension is applied to the leash, the control loop tightens, ensuring a snug fit without choking (ouch!) or causing discomfort to your pup. This limited-slip design stops the collar from sliding over the doggo's head and offers a secure and reliable way to keep your greyhound safe when out and about.
Martingale Collars are the gold standard collar for greyhounds (and the whole sighthound fam), offering a unique design that gently prevents our slender friends from sliding free – especially those snoots with a natural inclination to chase.
When tension is applied to the leash, the larger loop (a.k.a. the control loop) tightens, ensuring a snug fit without choking (ouch!) or causing discomfort to your pup. This limited-slip design stops the collar from sliding over the dog's head and offers a secure and reliable way to keep your greyhound safe when out and about.
The unique design of the martingale collar prevents accidental slipping while providing gentle control and signaling to your doggo to stop pulling and slow down.
If you’re a greyhound person, you’ll know that they aren’t your average dog. They're angelic and majestic – but also have extremely slippery heads and necks.
If you’ve ever tried putting a regular dog collar on your hound, you’ll know that they can just shimmy straight back out again. Not so greyt for safety.
Martingale Collars are greyt for greyhounds (and the whole sighthound fam), offering a unique design that gently prevents our slender friends from sliding free – especially those snoots with a natural inclination to chase.
1. Adjust the collar
Start by loosening the collar so that it slides easily over your greyhound's head. Ensure that the small loop, also known as the control loop or tightening loop, is fully relaxed.
2. Put the collar on
With the collar fully open, place it around your greyhound's neck, positioning it high on the neck, just behind the ears.
3. Tighten the collar
Pull the control loop gently until the collar fits snugly but not too tight. It should allow enough room for two fingers to fit comfortably between the collar and your greyhound's neck.
4. Test the fit
Attach a leash to the collar and give it a gentle tug. The collar should tighten slightly without restricting your greyhound's breathing or causing any discomfort. And that's it; your grey is ready for walkies!
Here's why.
1. Protection: A wider collar helps distribute the pressure from the collar more evenly across their neck, reducing the risk of injury. Thicker collars can help prevent the collar from digging into their skin or causing discomfort, which is important for greyhounds – known for their sensitive skin.
2. Preventing Slipping: Greyhounds have slim heads and necks, which can make it easier for them to slip out of traditional narrow collars. A wide collar helps prevent them from slipping out accidentally – handy for walkies or greyhound meet-ups.
Leash Attachment: Greyhounds are powerful runners and can reach high speeds quickly. Their narrow necks can be more prone to injury if they suddenly lunge while on a leash. A wide collar provides more surface area to distribute the pressure from the leash, reducing the chances of strain or injury.
4. It's fashion (a.k.a. fashound): Many greyhound parents also use wide collars as a fashion statement. Neck bling for quick things. Martinglae collars often come in all the colours of they greybow, patterns, and designs. Pepper Grey craft the cutest, grooviest, safest and best quality Martingale Collars – boop one to basket today!